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  • pimenta puma 22 octobre 2021 2
    Excellent and beautiful varieties...
  • caramel 20 septembre 2019 3
    Coming from all over the world...
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Tomatofifou.com is the shop for tomato, pepper, pepper and eggplant seeds...

Let's sow diversity. Let's cultivate our difference!

We promote the distribution of seeds of reproducible varieties of Solanaceae and more specifically of Tomatoes - Peppers - Peppers and Eggplants.



icone tomate


using the multi-criteria search find the coveted variety...
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icone poivron

Peppers Paprika

Reds, yellows, pinks, from the softest to the warmest...
Look for PeppersDownload the PDF catalog
icone aubergine


of all origins, all colors and all shapes...
Look for EggplantsDownload the PDF catalog
Free delivery
We offer free shipping on orders over certain amounts. This varies from country to another. You'll find all the details in our Terms of uses.
Secure payment
Your transactions by credit card and via Mollie are encrypted
Association prices
We are a cooperative run by a passionate and dedicated team. We ship our orders as quickly as possible and at a human pace.

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Secure payment
Our site guarantees you payment in complete confidence, your navigation and your transactions are encrypted via the SSL protocol.

The small padlock or the "https://" prefix appear in the address bar when you click on the url.
A human expedition by a dedicated team.
Delivery times vary according to the number of orders we receive. We do our utmost to send you orders as quickly as possible. Behind each seed, a passionate team, a passionate gardener and a tomato story :-)
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