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Plant Extracts

Association Tomatofifou

When and how to use Plant Extracts.

Now that we have prepared extracts with all the necessary care, how do we proceed to use them in the best way in order to get their quintessence and make our garden benefit from them. By spraying, spreading, in the evening or in the morning, we will try to answer all these questions.

Watering or spraying

Spraying has the advantage of being quicker to implement and carry out although more tedious than spraying but on the other hand one wastes precious product, by runoff and often exaggerating the dosages. Spraying, which can be foliar or on the ground according to the time and the needs, is longer but more precise and its effect is spectacular because it is more stimulating, moreover the dosage is more precise, and one thus saves product. Note that a spray on the ground ,in large droplets, avoids overdosing.

Spraying is generally done in the evening by diluting the extracts to 20%. Spraying is done in the morning once the dew has lifted, if you are looking for a stimulating effect and in the evening if you are looking for its insect repellent and insecticide effects instead, as the insects treated in this way are much more receptive at that time of day. For the fungicidal effect it doesn't matter the time of day, but avoid treating in the heat. Attention in case of drought water the plants copiously the day before, they will be rehydrated and therefore less stressed.

What weather conditions


We will treat differently according to the seasons, at the end of winter we will reactivate the microbial life with a solution of nettle diluted to 20%, in spring we use a cocktail strongly dosed in nitrogen ( 6 measures of nettle for 2 of comfrey, 2 horsetail and 2 fern) to be renewed 2 to 3 times a month. In summer, we stimulate the fruiting with a cocktail more concentrated in potassium (4 measures of comfrey for 2 of nettle, 2 of horsetail and 2 of fern) to be repeated twice a month. In autumn, the leaves are less functional, so we water at the foot of the plant with an extract made up of half comfrey and half nettle water, in order to allow the plants to build up the necessary reserves to get through the winter. Throughout the year we treat in a punctual way following the attacks of pests or diseases keeping in mind that the earlier we diagnose and treat a symptom the greater the chances of recovery: the observation is essential.

Small important reminder: when talking about a mixture or cocktail of plant extracts, said extracts are made individually and are only mixed once the process used to make them is complete and careful filtration is performed.

bibliography: Wikipedia, Nettle manure &cie published by Terran

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